Autostart Properties



This window shows the AutoStart Properties (i.e. how the program is started automatically at Windows LogOn) for an AutoStart-enabled program loaded in the Program watch edit-field, after having clicked the ENABLED Autostart Security Icon: autostart-enabled


The AutoStart Location dropdown-box shows where the program is registered for automatic start (i.e. the AutoStart type), as there are many types of place where a program can be registered for automatic start.


The Autostart Path specifies the exact location of the AutoStart registration for the program: If the AutoStart Location is in the Windows Registry (like in the above screenshot) then this shows the Registry path. If the AutoStart Location type is "Folder" then this shows the file-system path where the AutoStart Shortcut Link is located.


The AutoStart Name is the name of the AutoStart configuration, depending on the AutoStart type.


The Autostart CommandLine shows the parameters (switches, files etc.) passed to the program at program start.


The other fields are for informational purpose and show various program properties.


The Remove AutoStart for this program button allows you to make this program no longer automatically start at Windows start. After this action it takes a few seconds for the Security Icon to change from autostart-enabled to autostart-disabled.