Options Tab



This page contains the settings for PA-RUN. If you make changes to a setting then these changes will automatically be restored the next time PA-RUN starts.


The Options page is organized in several sections. Click on the respective hot areas of the above screenshot or click on the following list to display the documentation for each section:


General: General settings

Program Data: Configure the display of internal program data

Help: Configure how  the PA-RUN help/documentation is displayed

Watch: Configure how a program started by PA-RUN is watched (monitored) in real-time

Global Hotkeys: Configure global hotkeys to show up and start PA-RUN

Environment: Configure how PA-RUN works within the Windows environment

Custom Tools: Configure any custom applications as editors for programs

Security: Configure the Security options to protect you from malware programs

Tray Icon: Configure the options about the PA-RUN Notification Area Icon